備註:填妥後,請不遲於簽發日期後兩星期內,將表格並連同訂金(訂金為總額的半數) 寄回本靜修院,訂金將不退回予缺席者, ( 支票抬頭:慈幼靜修院或存入匯豐銀行戶口——賬戶號碼:#848-3200-73001).(請將人數紙電郵或傳真給我們,并寫上團體名稱及申請營期)
This Application form should be returned within two weeks from the date of approval,To be valid,it should be accompanied with a deposit of 50% of the total fee. Deposit is not refundable. Cheque should be made payable to " Salesian Retreat House" or pay directly to our HSBC Account No. 848-320073-001. (Please fax or email the deposit slip to us and write down the name of your group and the date of your booking)‧